Elements Page

This page includes samples of some commonly used page elements.

You can copy one, or more, of the specific elements from this page and paste them into other pages. By combining elements, you can create new layouts for your courses.

Copying Elements

To copy any of the following elements, please select everything between "start copy" and "end copy" for the specific element, then copy and paste into the HTML Editor.

To copy Elements onto a different page please make sure the page is in 'Edit' mode.

Ordered List: Large

Ordered List: Large Number: start copy

  1. List item
  2. List item
  3. List item
  4. List item

Ordered List: Large Number: end copy

Lead text (.lead)

Lead text: start copy

Lead text can be used to begin a topic and would draw learner attention to a critical point, or could be an attention catching fact.

Lead text: end copy


Blockquote: start copy

The blockquote element represents a section that is quoted from another source.

Blockquote footer text Citation: Source title

Blockquote: end copy


Jumbotron: start copy

This is a jumbotron. It can be used to call out important content that needs to stand aprat from main body text on a page.

Jumbotron: end copy

Standard Callout

Standard Callout: start copy

A callout box can be used to draw attention to important information on the page.

Standard Callout: end copy

Icon Callout

Icon Callout: start copy


Callout box can be used present recurring information throughout the course, for example, assignments, case studies, research findings, laws or regulations, etc.

Icon Callout: end copy


Table: start copy

Sample Table Caption
Table Head 1 Table Head 2

Row 1 Cell 1

Row 1 Cell 2

Row 2 Cell 1

Row 2 Cell 2

Row 3 Cell 1

Row 3 Cell 2

Table: end copy

Two Column Panels

Two Column Panels: start copy

Panel 1

Add panel content here.

Panel 2

Add panel content here.

Two Column Panels: end copy